A great amateur naturalist receives her due

BBC: Orkney botanist honoured for work

A 92-year-old woman who spent more than half her life charting Orkney's flora has been awarded an honorary degree.

Elaine Bullard carried out much of her fieldwork from a Reliant Robin three-wheeler.

The pensioner, who has no formal botanical qualifications, has been recognised by Herriot-Watt University.

Ms Bullard is a fine example of that most noble and British of breeds: the amateur naturalist.

The best quote in the above article comes from Ms Bullard herself:

"If you can't name a thing accurately, how can you go back to it again and tell somebody else anything about it?"

Very well said, Ms Bullard. Rutherford was wrong to condemn stamp collecting. Congratulations on your degree, and thank you for all your valuable, unpaid work.

Richard Carter, FCD

Writer and photographer Richard Carter, FCD is the founder of the Friends of Charles Darwin. He lives in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire.WebsiteNewsletterMastodonetc…

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